Sunday, December 23, 2012

Different types of garbage collection -- quite interesting.

Mark and sweep (MS)

Starting from a known root set, the GC traces all reachable memory objects by following pointers. Objects reached in this way, and therefore visible for use by the program, are alive. Objects which are not reached in the trace are marked dead. In the second stage, sweep, all dead objects are destroyed and reclaimed.

Tri-color mark and sweep

Instead of a simple separation of marked (as live) and unmarked (dead), the object set is divided into three parts: white, gray, and black. The white objects are presumed dead. The gray objects have been marked as live by some other object, but haven't yet marked the objects they refer to. The black objects are live, and have marked all objects they directly refer to.

In the initial run, all objects start as white and the root set is marked gray. The marking process changes white objects to gray (marking them from another gray object), and gray objects to black (when all objects they refer to are marked). When the gray set is empty, all live objects have been marked and the white set can be collected. After a collection run, all black objects are reset to white, the root set to gray, and the process begins again.

The advantage of a tri-color mark over a simple mark is that it can be broken into smaller stages.

Copying collection

A copying GC copies objects from one memory region to another during the mark phase. At the end of the mark, all memory in the old region is dead and the whole region can be reclaimed at once.

Compacting collection

The compacting GC moves live objects close together in a single region in memory. This helps to elimianate fragmented free space and allows the allocation of large live objects. Compacting and copying collectors are often similar or even identical in implementation.


An uncooperative GC is implemented as a separate module, often without affecting the remainder of the program. The programmer can write software without needing to be aware of the operations or implementation of the GC. The alternative is a cooperative GC, which is often implemented as a reference counting scheme and requires GC-related logic to be dispersed throughout the entire program.


A common disadvantage of a simple mark implementation is that the entire system (including all threads that use the same memory pools) must be suspended while the whole memory set is examined during marking and collection. Normal operation continues only after the whole GC cycle is performed. This can lead to arbitrarily long pauses during program execution.


In order to alleviate the arbitrarily long pauses in a stop-the-world GC, the incremental GC breaks the mark and sweep process up into smaller, shorter phases. Each GC phase may still require the entire program to pause, but the pauses are shorter and more frequent.


The pauses caused by GC don't exceed a certain limit.


The object space is divided between a young generation (short-lived temporaries) and one or more old generations. Only young generations are reset to white (presumed dead). The older generations are scanned less often because it is assumed that long-lived objects tend to live longer.


GC marking and collection runs as a separate thread, sometimes with multiple threads participating in GC. On a multi-processor machine, concurrent GC may be truly parallel.


A conservative GC traces through memory looking for pointers to living objects. The GC does not necessarily have information about the layout of memory, so it cannot differentiate between an actual pointer and an integral value which has the characteristics of a pointer. The Conservative GC follows a policy of "no false negatives" and traces any value which appears to be a pointer.


A precise GC has intimate knowledge of the memory layout of the system and knows where to find pointers. In this way the precise collector never has any false positives.

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